Prof. Dr. Max Horn
AG Algebra, Geometrie und Computeralgebra (AGAG)
Department of Mathematics
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 48
67663 Kaiserslautern
Building 48, room 430
Phone: +49 (631) 205-2730
Email: mhorn [at] rptu.de
- Since July 2022 I am central coordinator of the GAP computer algebra system.
- Since January 2021 I am one co-leader of the OSCAR computer algebra system.
Research Interests
- Geometry: Tits buildings, automorphisms, involutions, flips
- Groups: Algebraic groups, amalgams, Kac-Moody groups, groups of lie type
- Computer algebra with focus on algorithmic group theory
The complete Phan-type theorem for $Sp(2n,q)$J. Group Theory 9 (2006), no. 5, 603–626
Odd-dimensional orthogonal groups as amalgams of unitary groups. Part 2: machine computationsJ. Algebra 316 (2007), no. 2, 591–607
On the Phan system of the Schur cover of $SU(4,3^2)$Designs, Codes and Cryptography 47 (2008), 243–247
Intransitive geometries and fused amalgamsJ. Group Theory 11 (2008), 443–464
Iwasawa decompositions of split Kac-Moody groupsJ. Lie Theory 19 (2009), no. 2, 311–337
Abstract involutions of algebraic groups and of Kac-Moody groupsJ. Group Theory 14 (2011), 213–249
Lie algebras and 3-transpositionsJ. Algebra 368 (2012), 21–39
Schur multipliers and the Lazard correspondenceArchiv der Mathematik 99 (2012), no. 3, 217–226
The construction of finite solvable groups revisitedJ. Algebra 408 (2014), 166–182
Second cohomology of Lie rings and the Schur multiplierIntl. J. Group Theory 3 (2014), no. 2, 9–20
Cartan-Bott periodicity for the real $E_n$ series (appendix to "Generalized spin representations" by Guntram Hainke, Ralf Köhl, and Paul Levy)Münster J. of Math 8 (2015), 181–210
Simple Connectivity in Polar SpacesForum Mathematicum 28 (2015), no. 3, 491–505
Isomorphisms and rigidity of arithmetic Kac-Moody groupsJ. Lie Theory 26 (2016), no. 2, 1079–1105
Moufang twin trees of prime orderAdv. Math. 302 (2016), 1–24
Spin covers of maximal compact subgroups of Kac-Moody groups, and Spin-extended Weyl groupsJ. Group Theory 20 (2017), no. 3, 401–504
Constructing groups of ‘small’ order: Recent results and open problemsChapter in "Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory", Springer (2017), –
Kac-Moody symmetric spacesMünster J. of Math 13 (2020), 1–114
Decompositions of Kac-Moody groupsin preparation
Conference proceedings
Computing polycyclic quotients of finitely (L-)presented groups via Groebner bases
Other (non-refereed) publications
The GAP package SingularInterface.Computeralgebra-Rundbrief 55 (2014), 29–33
Past projects
- Master's thesis: Amalgams of unitary groups in Sp(2n,q).
TU Darmstadt (submitted version)
Supervised by Ralf Gramlich and Werner Nickel. - PhD Thesis: Involutions of Kac-Moody groups.
TU Darmstadt
Supervised by Ralf Gramlich.